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Group Therapy

Your business is in good hands.

We make the process of buying and selling businesses fair, open and simple.

Brand Values

Better Health

We're committed to behavioral health. We think increasing funding for mental health, through private capital, can facilitate greater access and improve outcomes.


Relationships are at the heart of everything we do. We maintain key strategic relationships with financial sponsors and healthcare providers nationwide.


When it comes to your business, there's no room for ambiguity. When it's the right time to sell your business or invest, we won't hesitate to let you know. 


We work with owners preparing for a sale in three, six, or 12 months. We aim to thoroughly understand their business, address issues, and optimize growth before it's time to sell.

Founder's Message

A note from Jacob.

"I founded Healthcare Capital Advisors (HCA) to create an investment bank that puts people first. At HCA, being people-first means we overcommunicate during transactions, prioritize your interests over our financial gain, and work together to improve the behavioral health industry. Through our work, we want to increase funding, ensure better access and outcomes, and contribute to healthier communities. Your success is our success, and we are fully committed to helping you meet your full potential."


Jacob Lynch

Managing Director

We're always looking for motivated self-starters to join the team at Healthcare Capital Advisors.


If you possess ambition, a drive for success, and an interest in behavioral health, please share your resume with us.

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